Diversity in the Neurology Workforce in the Post-Affirmative Action Era*

Date: Monday, September 16, 2024
Time: 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
Room: Lake Nona B
Track: Interactive Lunch Workshop
Level: ANA2024


In June 2023, the US Supreme Court ended affirmative action in college admissions. In 1996, California voters overturned affirmative action. Since then, colleges and universities in this state have reported decreases in overall student body diversity and also the diversity of the faculty. It is not clear how this may impact the medical force in the US, including diversity in academic neurology. As a field, neurologists are not representative of the patient diversity in the US. What are ways that institutions can work towards diversification of the field despite the end of affirmative action? This session will include presentations and discussions from neurology faculty directly involved in the recruitment and retention of individuals underrepresented in medicine across the neurology pipeline spectrum (medical school, residency, fellowship, and faculty).


  • Identify strategies for increasing diversity across the neurology pipeline spectrum (medical school, residency, fellowship, and faculty). 

  • Develop strategies to increase diversity across the neurology pipeline spectrum (medical school, residency, fellowship, and faculty). 

  • Implement strategies for increasing diversity across the neurology pipeline spectrum (medical school, residency, fellowship, and faculty).