RCR Course | Accessing NIH Funding to Advance Treatments for Neurological Disorders

Date: Saturday, September 14, 2024
Time: 9:00 AM to 9:25 AM
Track: Research Careers Reimagined (RCR) Course
Level: RCR2024


NIH is the taxpayers’ investment in biomedical research and clinician-scientists are critical in making good on this investment. NINDS and other Institutes have special grant mechanisms to train clinician scientists at various career stages and there are many research paths to consider. These including developing a laboratory effort, a clinical research effort or joining a research team. Modern Neurology research is a team science effort which opens research opportunities for almost all Neurologists. Neurotechnologies are advancing rapidly and might be attractive to pursue to bring new tools to solving important neurological problems. There is also an effort being launched to test interventions to advance health equity and special funding at NIH for pain and dementia research that one might consider.