Women of the ANA: Charting New Horizons: Women Pioneering Leadership and Entrepreneurial Innovation in Academic Neurology*

Date: Sunday, September 15, 2024
Time: 11:45 AM to 12:45 PM
Room: Lake Hart
Track: Additional Lunch Workshop
Level: ANA2024


This theme emphasizes the evolving role of women as leaders and entrepreneurs in theacademic neurology landscape. It highlights the dual aspects of leadership and business acumenwithin the academic context, focusing on how women are redefining what success looks like inthis traditionally male-dominated field.


  • Identify systemic barriers to leadership and entrepreneurship in academic neurology.   

  • Explain the process of securing funding and grants, including identifying opportunities and writing successful proposals. 

  • Utilize leadership styles and strategies that are effective within academic neurology’s unique hierarchies and challenges. 

  • Apply business acumen in translating neurology research into successful entrepreneurial ventures. 

  • Utilize networking strategies to build supportive professional relationships and collaborations across disciplines and institutions.

  • Develop and implement strategies to ascend to leadership positions within their institutions and the wider academic neurology community.