Autoimmune Epilepsy: Emerging Trends*

Date: Monday, September 16, 2024
Time: 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
Room: Lake Eola B
Track: Interactive Lunch Workshop
Level: ANA2024


Epilepsy, characterized by recurrent seizures, can have a significant impact on quality of life. While the causes are diverse, recent research has shed light on the intriguing link between autoimmunity and certain types of epilepsy. This workshop aims to investigate the emerging trends in diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune seizures. To understand and manage autoimmune epilepsy effectively, we differentiate between syndromes caused by specific autoantibodies and those mediated by T-cells. We distinguish between acute, symptomatic seizures as a first event and a more chronic tendency towards autoimmune-associated epilepsy. We will delve into the mechanisms by which autoimmunity might trigger seizures, discuss the latest diagnostic tools for identifying these autoimmune epilepsies, and explore promising avenues for treatment strategies. This conference strives to improve diagnosis, treatment options, and ultimately, the lives of individuals living with autoimmune epilepsy.


  • Describe the seizure semiology and EEG patterns suggestive of autoimmune seizures and learn about common immune mediated encephalitides associated with seizures.

  • Utilize appropriate diagnostic tools to detect autoimmune seizures and treat them appropriately with immunotherapy.

  • Assess response of therapy and decide escalation if needed.