Optimizing Neurologic Clinical Trial Design and Ensuring Equitable Enrollment*

Date: Sunday, September 15, 2024
Time: 11:45 AM to 12:45 PM
Room: Lake Florence
Track: Interactive Lunch Workshop
Level: ANA2024


Representation and selection of subjects in neurologic trials is of utmost important for successful trial recruitment and retention. Engagement with the target community to ensure trial design that accounts for lived experience, including novel metrics representative of participant burden and potential engagement in trials, considerations for trial design, including site visits and wearable devices, and a focus on equitable representation to more accurately reflect the affected population are all necessary components to the trial landscape. This session will explore these considerations and offer some novel considerations and metrics in this space.


  • Implement new techniques and metrics for disease community engagement and retention. 

  • Apply core concepts in participant representation to individual trials targeting the affected population of interest. 

  • Utilize new metrics and frameworks in trial design.