Realistic Research in Residency*


Date: Monday, September 16, 2024
Time: 7:00 AM to 8:30 AM
Room: Lake Florence
Track: Professional Development Workshop -- Program and Residency Director Level Course
Level: ANA2024


This workshop will focus on the challenges of supporting a research presence for trainees during a busy clinical residency program. What kind of research questions can be answered during training and how do programs like the NIH R25 Award potentially alter these expectations. Speakers will discuss realistic research questions that may not require a formalized “research track” but still afford the benefits of exposure to clinical or basic science research during training and past trainees will provide examples of how research can be successfully completed both with and without an R25 Award that led to successful K award submissions following training.


  • Describe strategies for facilitating research over the course of residency. 

  • Discuss the basic program structures that allow a trainee to conduct research during residency while remaining compliant with ACGME requirements and a sense of reasonable expectations for scholarly productivity during training. 

  • Adequate Support And Infrastructure: What An R25 Added? Trainee


    This session will outline the benefits of the R25 program to neurology residency trainees. More specifically, this session will review how the funding from R25 supports research training that is instrumental to developing the data needed for a K award and ultimately transition to faculty. This session will also review additional benefits, including grant-writing training, networking opportunities, and RCR training. Throughout, this session will outline how R25 recipients can maximize the benefits of this program.

  • Creating A Realistic Research Project- Do You Need An R25?


    This presentation will focus on the creation of research projects likely to be successfully completed either to generate preliminary data or a manuscript over the course of residency. Program organization (front-loaded versus traditional), separate tracks (research versus clinical), and resources including the R25 will be discussed, along with establishing the infrastructure for successful mentorship.