Allen Aksamit, MD, FANA
Mayo Clinic, Rochester
Dr. Allen Aksamit has been on the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota staff since 1986. He is professor of neurology and consultant in the Department of Neurology at Mayo Clinic. He was the founding head of the Mayo Neurology Education Division, and division chair for 20 years. In the Department of Neurology, he had responsibilities for staff in his division, and neurological clinical education of neurology residents, and neuropathological lectures. He teaches neuroscience in the first-year course at Mayo Medical School. His clinical and research interests center on neuro-infectious and autoimmune diseases. Principal publications center on chronic meningitis, GFAP autoimmune encephalitis, neurosarcoidosis, progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, and various viral infections of the human brain. Publications include articles in New England Journal of Medicine, Continuum, JAMA Neurology, Neurology, Journal of Neurovirology and Annals of Neurology. He was the founding chair of the Neuro-infectious Disease section of the American Academy of Neurology. He has taught in may courses at the American Academy of Neurology centering on neuro-infectious disease. He is a past member of the Education Committee of the American Academy of Neurology, and Awards committee of the American Neurological Association. He is a current member of the Membership committee in the American Academy of Neurology and the Annual Meeting Programming Committee of the American Neurological Association.