ANA Medical Student Forum: A Conversation with the Neurology Chairs*


Date: Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Time: 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM
Room: Lake Florence
Track: Additional Lunch Workshop
Level: ANA2024


This session provides a rare opportunity for medical students attending the ANA meeting to hear from distinguished academic Chairs of Neurology, and to directly interact with them. The session will focus on future academic career paths in the field, how to make specialty and subspecialty choices, important considerations in applying to residency training, and more. Much of the forum will be dedicated to questions from the students, and conversations with the chairs.


  • Discuss how to make specialty and subspecialty choices for their future careers. 

  •  Identify and apply to quality training programs. 

  •  Discuss strategies for rewarding and satisfying careers in neurology.