Neurogenetics and Gene Therapy: Forget the Mouse: The Future of Pre-Clinical Trials in Neurogenetic Disease*

Date: Sunday, September 15, 2024
Time: 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
Room: Lake Concord
Track: Cross-Cutting Special Interest Group
Level: ANA2024


This program planned by the Neurogenetics special interest group focuses on advancing biomedical research beyond traditional mouse models. While mice have long been the cornerstone of preclinical studies, it's becoming increasingly evident that many mouse models fail to accurately recapitulate human phenotypes. This disparity poses significant challenges in drug development and biomedical research, especially considering the pivotal role mice play in FDA regulatory processes. This session aims to spearhead a paradigm shift towards embracing alternative model organisms and innovative approaches that better mimic human biology and pathophysiology. By fostering collaboration and advocating for the adoption of more diverse models, we aspire to revolutionize biomedical research, ultimately leading to more effective treatments and therapies for human diseases. Join us in reshaping the future of scientific inquiry and therapeutic development.


  • Critically assess various preclinical systems to determine their efficacy in replicating human biology accurately. 

  • Present data derived from alternative preclinical models as sufficient evidence for Investigational New Drug (IND) applications and eventual drug approval processes. 

  • Independently evaluate preclinical systems for their ability to accurately recapitulate human biology, demonstrating proficiency in selecting appropriate models and assessing their suitability for specific research objectives.

  • Effectively communicate findings and present data derived from alternative preclinical models in a compelling manner, demonstrating competence in preparing documentation necessary for Investigational New Drug (IND) applications and contributing to successful drug approval processes. 

  • A Transgenic Rabbit Model of Pediatric Epilepsy and SUDEP


    Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP) is a leading cause of death in epilepsy patients. While SUDEP mechanisms are not understood, there is evidence to implicate apnea, autonomic dysfunction, and cardiac arrhythmias. Variants in SCN1A are linked to Dravet syndrome (DS). DS patients have the highest SUDEP risk, up to 20%. There are few effective therapies for any of the genetic epilepsies and no reliable biomarkers for SUDEP risk. Importantly, SCN1A is expressed in heart and brain in humans and rodents. Thus, we proposed that cardiac arrhythmias contribute to the mechanism of SUDEP in DS. Rabbits more closely replicate the human cardiac action potential than mice. We generated a rabbit Scn1a deletion model using CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing. Rabbits are optimal models to investigate neuro-cardiac mechanisms of SUDEP as well as to develop novel therapeutics for DS. To our knowledge, this is the first transgenic large animal model of a DEE.

  • Fibroblast Models MELAS/LHON Plus to Test Novel Pharmaco-Epigenomic Drugs


    MELAS and LHON-Plus are intractable, progressive, and multi-systemic mitochondrial diseases with no effective therapeutic intervention. They are caused by maternally inherited mitochondrial variants impairing the oxidative phosphorylation pathway responsible for ATP synthesis. They share a molecular etiology with a Complex I deficiency and chronic energy deficit that affect organs with high energy demands and a dependence on aerobic metabolism. Patients with MELAS or LHON-Plus exhibit overlapping and divergent phenotypic manifestations. It is in the clinical context of their multi-systemic phenotypes that we designed a pharmaco-epigenomic approach to induce mitochondrial metabolic reprogramming to bypass the deficient Complex I and curtail ATP deficiency. The absence of a MELAS or LHON-Plus animal model makes patient-derived fibroblasts the only feasible ex vivo diseased paradigm to test therapeutic candidates during IND enabling studies. We show that our investigational drug induces mitochondrial metabolic reprogramming and ATP output to avert an ATP crisis during high energy expenditure.

  • Parvalbumin-positive Interneuron Alterations in a Mouse Model of Pcdh19 Clustering Epilepsy


    Protocadherin-19 (PCDH19)-clustering epilepsy (PCE) is a severe developmental and epileptic encephalopathy (DEE), characterized by early onset of intractable seizure clusters and cognitive impairment. PCDH19 is an X-linked gene, but PCE affects females and rare mosaic males, while hemizygous males do not develop epilepsy. This is thought to be due to random X-inactivation, leading to a mosaic pattern in which cells expressing wild type or mutant PCDH19 fail to interact properly during brain development. Our mouse model of PCE shows a striking pattern in which the Pcdh19+ and null neurons segregate from one another in the cortex, hippocampus, and interneuron progenitors in the ganglionic eminences. Additionally, PCE mice have a lower seizure threshold when exposed to hyperthermia. Brains of PCE mice showed a decreased density of parvalbumin interneurons when compared to wild-type controls, suggesting that alterations in inhibitory interneuron distribution may be an underlying factor in the phenotypic spectrum of PCE.